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NameER-GCaMP3-373 / GCaMPer-10.19
Full nameER Ca2+ indicator / Kd 373uM
Readout MethodIntensity
Pubmed ID26451944
Source Year2015
Source JournalPLoS One
Source AuthorHenderson MJ, Baldwin HA, Werley CA, Boccardo S, Whitaker LR, Yan X, Holt GT, Schreiter ER, Looger LL, Cohen AE, Kim DS, Harvey BK
Other Sources28162809
Addgene number65227
Componentscalreticulin signal peptide | GCaMP3 10.19 (D324G, D360G, D397G, D435G)
Sensing ElementM13 | CaM (mutants)
Fluorescent ProteinsGCaMP3 10.19 (D324G, D360G, D397G, D435G)
TargetingEndoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Unimolecular?Unimolecular Bimolecular or other
BS Family
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