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Readout MethodIntensity
Pubmed ID27677952
Source Year2016
Source JournalSci Rep
Source AuthorBarykina NV, Subach OM, Doronin DA, Sotskov VP, Roshchina MA, Kunitsyna TA, Malyshev AY, Smirnov IV, Azieva AM, Sokolov IS, Piatkevich KD, Burtsev MS, Varizhuk AM, Pozmogova GE, Anokhin KV, Subach FV, Enikolopov GN
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ComponentsmNeonGreen N terminal w 4 aa mutations | MVP aa linker | C-terminal domain of troponin C (with 3 aa mutations) | LSM aa linker | mNeonGreen C terminal with 5 mutations
Sensing Elementthe C-terminal domain of troponin C
Fluorescent Proteinssplit and mutated mNeonGreen
Unimolecular?Unimolecular Bimolecular or other
BS Family
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