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NameroGFP2-Tsa2 delta Cr
Full name
Readout MethodExcitation Ratiometric
Pubmed ID27089028
Source Year2016
Source JournalNat Chem Biol
Source AuthorMorgan B, Van Laer K, Owusu TN, Ezeri?a D, Pastor-Flores D, Amponsah PS, Tursch A, Dick TP
Other Sources
Addgene number83238
ComponentsGFP (C48S, S65T, S147C, and Q204C) | Tsa2 (del Cr)
Sensing ElementGFP (C48S, S65T, S147C, and Q204C)
Fluorescent ProteinsGFP (C48S, S65T, S147C, and Q204C)
Unimolecular?Unimolecular Bimolecular or other
BS Family
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