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Full nameRed Genetically Encoded Calcium indicators for Optical imaging
Readout MethodIntensity
Pubmed ID23452507
Source Year2013
Source JournalACS Chem Neurosci
Source AuthorWu J, Liu L, Matsuda T, Zhao Y, Rebane A, Drobizhev M, Chang YF, Araki S, Arai Y, March K, Hughes TE, Sagou K, Miyata T, Nagai T, Li WH, Campbell RE
Other Sources
Addgene number45494
ComponentsM13 | cpmApple | CaM (R-GECO) with M164R/I166V/V174L/F222L/N267S/S270T/I330M/L419I mutations
Sensing ElementCaM | M13
Fluorescent ProteinscpmApple (with mutations)
Unimolecular?Unimolecular Bimolecular or other
BS Family
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